Enjoy phenomenal billfishing just off the Pacific coast of Quepos, Costa Rica, often within sight of your marina. No more stomach-churning 6-hour rides to the Gulfstream!
There are daily flights to Quepos, or you may rent a car in the capital, San Jose, and drive through the Cost Rican countryside. When you get to this quaint fishing village, you have arrived at the Sailfish Capital of the World!
We have two boats, a 36-foot and a 32-foot sport fisherman, both with excellent crews and tackle. You will not experience better service, or better billfishing, anywhere!
Stay in Captain Tony's beautiful home (yours exclusively during your stay), or in one of the hotels and inns in Quepos. Maid service is provided if requested, and if you catch mahi mahi on the way in, she will cook it for you. Stay a few extra days and enjoy the rainforest.
There are daily flights to Quepos, or you may rent a car in the capital, San Jose, and drive through the Cost Rican countryside. When you get to this quaint fishing village, you have arrived at the Sailfish Capital of the World!
We have two boats, a 36-foot and a 32-foot sport fisherman, both with excellent crews and tackle. You will not experience better service, or better billfishing, anywhere!
Stay in Captain Tony's beautiful home (yours exclusively during your stay), or in one of the hotels and inns in Quepos. Maid service is provided if requested, and if you catch mahi mahi on the way in, she will cook it for you. Stay a few extra days and enjoy the rainforest.
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